Apple has once again called Samsung into court. This time it’s about the Galaxy Nexus and four patents that Apple says it infringes. The patents in question are: U.S. Patent No. 5,946,647: a patent for data being used as a hyperlink U.S. Patent No. 8,086,604: a unified search patent U.S. Patent No. 8,046,721: a slide-to-unlock […]
Read the rest of this entry »Latest Apple patent lawsuit targets Galaxy Nexus lockscreen
The latest installment of Apple vs. Samsung saga sees Cupertino taking offense with the lockscreen on the Galaxy Nexus. The complaint, filed once again in Germany, is the first directed towards the Android 4.0 flagship device. The claim made is that the Galaxy Nexus infringes upon Apples own slide-to-unlock utility model. FOSS Patents blogger Florian Mueller […]
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